Revealed! STOP The Misery Of Yo-Yo Dieting And Fat Regain And Become Your Own Expert At Keeping The Fat Off, Using This Science-Based Course
I have 5 questions for you:
- Have you tried to lose weight multiple times using multiple diets, cleanses, detoxes, meal replacements, meal plans, apps, pills and potions? YES? Or no?
- Have you tried to lose weight using genetic or hormonal profiling, gadgets, gimmicks, and vibrating machines? YES? Or no?
- Have you lost weight and put it all back on and more? YES? Or no?
- Do you feel you can’t lose weight or will never lose weight? YES? Or no?
- Do you want to lose and keep fat off, and keep in great shape for good? YES? Or no?
If you answered YES to all or any of the above, you must read on…
I created Fat Loss SOS back in the mid-2000’s. Getting into ‘poke’ wars on Facebook, owning a webcam, and the Atkins Diet were all the rage. But people couldn’t stop gaining weight (how history repeats). I analysed client’s diets and made plans to follow. Yet people were in emotional pain and turmoil because they couldn’t keep weight off. It was like watching a nation of car crashes. I decided to come up with a long-term solution. I interviewed, listened, studied, and observed people. I saw the same problems arising in everyone.
Permanent weight loss came down to overcoming adversity and it needed to be viewed through a psychological lens. I came up with algorithms that changed life-style through mindset that everyone could follow. Without a set diet. And their fat stayed off. My philosophy for permanent, sustainable weight loss was that it’s a learned process, self-improvement, with certain skills that must be mastered.
These days, we live in a post-truth world full of online misinformation and charlatans. Yet amongst the confusion we have the opportunity to discover the secret to help us succeed – such as Fat Loss SOS.
How I stay lean 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, no matter what life throws at me (same applies to women)
The secrets to my unwavering philosophical success lie in my mindset, which can be applied to any life-style for both men and women equally. I’ve used my psychological and behavioural algorithms to get me through the worst days of my illness, with my life, my mental health, and my waistline intact. Me? I’m never out of the woods. I’ve had half my large bowel ripped out, have an underactive thyroid, I get daily pain from my obstructive bowel disease, get down, tired, and hungry. I don’t eat food and live off a liquid diet of medical drinks and orange juice. I could get very fat very quickly because you can drink far more fat, sugar, and calories than you can eat in no time at all (while still feeling starving). So I have to use my own strategies and techniques every day to stay fit and lean. I’m a walking example of a walking 6-pack no matter what life throws at me. You don’t necessarily need a 6-pack; you just need to be a better version of yourself and stay that way. Adversity will not dictate my life; neither will it dictate yours. I’ve been using and sharing Fat Loss SOS on myself and others since the 2000’s. Let me show you how to move away from the perverted diet industry and finally stop repeating your history…